
Greening the Mines: Coal and Lignite PSUs Lead the Way in Land Restoration and Sustainability

Coal and Lignite Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), under the guidance of the Ministry of Coal, have not only increased coal production levels over the years to meet the escalating energy demands of the nation but have also demonstrated their dedication to environmental preservation by implementing various mitigation measures. One such measure involves reclaiming mined-out areas through extensive plantation efforts in and around coal-bearing regions.

As the year marks the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), focus of World Environment Day, 2024 is on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience, under the slogan “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration”. The theme emphasizes the importance of sustainable land management and the need to rehabilitate degraded lands to ensure a sustainable future for all. Coal Ministry has released a report titled “Greening Initiative in Coal & Lignite PSUs”, which highlights the efforts of the PSUs in the coal and lignite sectors to restore and rejuvenate mined-out lands. These PSUs have undertaken extensive afforestation and ecological restoration projects, transforming barren landscapes into thriving green areas. Such initiatives not only combat desertification and enhance drought resilience but also contribute to carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation. By integrating these greening efforts, the report underscores the significant role that coal sector can play in advancing the goals of land restoration and promoting environmental sustainability. This synergy between global ambitions and local actions illustrates a comprehensive approach to preserving our planet’s land resources for future generations.

Secretary, Ministry of Coal, Shri Amrit Lal Meena commended the endeavours undertaken by CMPDI and the Sustainability & Just Transition Division of the Ministry of Coal in compiling this report. He also expressed his anticipation that the report would garner significant attention and be leveraged to augment green cover through the adoption of innovative techniques, such as seed ball plantation, seed casting via drones and Miyawaki plantation, within coal mines by other entities. It aims to outline the initiatives undertaken by the coal sector to increase green cover in coal regions through reclamation efforts.

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