Agra: In a shocking incident in Uttar Pradesh, a teenage girl from Aligarh narrowly escaped an attempt on her life by her family after being caught talking to a boy. The victim, a 16-year-old Class 9 student, was strangled and thrown into the Yamuna River by her father and uncle in Agra. The incident came Read More…
Vandana’s father to file revision petition in the Division Bench
By our Legal Correspondent Kadathuruthy (Kottarakkara), Feb 9 (IVC) The father of the murdered Dr Vandana’s father , K G Mohandas said that he would appeal in the Division Bench of the Kerala High Court against the dismissal of the petition by the Single Bench of the Kkerala High Court on Feb 06. The Read More…
A woman was burnt with petrol by her neighbor
By our correspondent Idukki, Feb 09 (IVC) A woman hailing from Idumbumchola in the district was burnt with pouring petrol over him , with an intent to kill by her neighbor this afternoon, police said. Police gave the name of the injured woman as Parakkal Seetha and was rushed her to the nearby hospital. Read More…