India kerala

Thrissur District also under  the fury of nature

By Our  Special  Correspondent

Vadakkanchery (Thrissur) Aug 02 (IVC)   The  appropriate  authorities  have  warned  the  residents  of Akamala under  Vadakkanchery  Municipality in Thrissur District  to vacate  from the  area to safer  places  as  there  is  a  threat of landslide in the  area.

                An  inspection of the  area by various  government  department has  found that  the  possibility of a devastating landslide in the  Akamala region. There  are  about  50 families  residing at  the  area  now and  they have  been advised  to  shift  to safer  places till  the  end  of  monsoon season, official  sources  said.

                Maarathkunnu  under  Akamala region , the  possibility  of a devastating  landslide could  not  be  ruled  out, the  sources  added.  It  was, hence, essential  for  the  residents of  the area  to be  vigilant, the  sources  said.

                An expert  team of the Disaster  Relief Council,  under  the  leadership  of  Mr  A K Manoj, District  Mining and Geological Officer, had  inspected  Akamala  .

                It  was  found  that  in  certain private  estate at  Akamalahad  occurred landslide recently  and  water  flowed down. Besides,  Soil Conservation Officer, Bindhu  Menon,  Geological  Officer, N Santosh and Thahsildar, M C  Anupaman had also conducted inspection  in the  area.

                They  also  assessed  the  possibility  for the  fury of nature more  in the  area. They confirmed  that  the  mishap occurred at Bharanippachha  mountain under  the   forest  department was  a  landslide and  have  advised  the  families  residing  at  Akamala  region to  shift  to  safer  places  as the  threat  of  a landslide  still hovering over the  area.

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