Cyclone Fengal has left a trail of destruction across Tamil Nadu, displacing thousands and forcing the cancellation of several train services. The worst-affected areas include Vikravandi and Krishnagiri, while Villupuram and Puducherry continue to struggle with the aftermath of heavy rains and strong winds.
In many regions, floodwaters have inundated homes and farmlands, displacing families and causing extensive property damage. Relief camps have been set up, but the situation remains grim, with power outages and disrupted communication lines adding to the challenges.
The Indian Railways has suspended train operations on several routes due to waterlogging and damage to tracks. Roads in affected areas are also impassable, hampering rescue and relief efforts.
The state government has deployed disaster response teams, and the army has been assisting in rescue operations. Emergency supplies are being distributed, and efforts are underway to restore electricity and clear roads.
The IMD has warned of continued rainfall over the next 24 hours, urging residents in vulnerable areas to remain cautious. Cyclone Fengal’s devastation highlights the urgent need for enhanced disaster preparedness and infrastructure resilience in the region.