
Railways should pay  substantial compensation and gainful employment to Joy’s dependents

* By C K George

Thiruvananthapurm, July 16 (IVC)    The Railways  should pay  substantial compensation and gainful employment to the dependents of the Sanitary worker    who was flown   dead during the work of cleaning  waste ,for the Railways are accountable  for  his death.

                Joy  a 47-  year – old  sanitary worker was reported missing  on July 13 at 1100 hours at Amayizhanja canal (Thiruvananthapuram)  which crosses  through under  the Thampanoor rail tracks.  His body  was found floating  after 46 hours  on the morning of  July 15. The  body was  floating  after a kilometer away from the  spot  from where he was reported missing.

                Joy  was  the  only  bread-winner  of  his  family  of his mother and two sisters. It  was  the  bounden duty  of  the  Railways  to  provide  gainful employment  to  his  two  sisters without  any delay besides  paying a  compensation of at  least  Rs 100 million  to his  family.

                It  was   great  shame  on the  part of the Railways and its contractor  that they could  not take prompt action to save  the life of Joy.  The  railways should have  entrusted  with  the  work of  sanitation  with well experienced   and equipped contractor  capable of  successfully  facing any  exigency during  the  process  of  cleaning waste  accumulated for  several years.

                It  would be looked  into  that  the Railways  entrusted the  work  after  inviting tenders. The  other  two  workers  who were with Joy  had miraculous escape .  According  to media  reports, a rope was thrown to Joy  with  a view  to  escaping for him , but  he  could  hold the rope  and escape.

                The  pertinent  question arose here was that what the Railways  and the contractor  were doing to save  the  life  of Joy  when they knew that Joy’s  life was in danger since ll00 hours July 13. If  the  Railways  and its contractor  had taken appropriate steps then and there to escape the sanitary worker Joy would have  not gone  to Davy Jones’s locker.

                The  fault  with the Railways was that  it had entrusted the work of complicated waste removal with an  experienced  and equipped contractor.  There  was also criminal  negligence on the part  of the Railways  and its contractor  in taking  prompt action  to save the life of  Joy.

                The  negligence  on the  part  of the Railways and its contractor  amounted to abetment to the crime of felony. Hence  the Railways and its  contractor  are  responsible  for  the  death of Joy and therefore  they are accountable  for it.

                It  is  a  must  for  the Railways to  provide gainful  employment to  the  dependents of the deceased sanitary  worker  as  he  was  only the  bread winner  of  his  family.  It  would  not  be  enough even if  the Railways  paid  a solation of Rs 100 million for his family.

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