Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his cabinet ministers chose to skip the Christmas celebrations hosted by Governor Arif Mohammed Khan on December 18, 2024. The absence underscores the continuing tensions between the ruling CPI(M) and the Governor.
Governor Khan has been in conflict with the state government, particularly over appointments made by him to various universities in his role as Chancellor of state universities. The Governor’s recent decisions and his criticism of the CPI(M) and its student wing, the SFI (Students’ Federation of India), have further escalated the discord.
The ruling party has accused the Governor of overstepping his constitutional role, while Khan has defended his actions as part of his responsibility to uphold university standards and governance.
Despite the absence of the Chief Minister and ministers, the event was attended by other dignitaries and prominent figures. The ongoing friction between the Governor and the Kerala government continues to be a focal point in state politics, reflecting deeper issues related to governance, autonomy, and political influence in educational institutions.