India kerala

Imams deserve  for congratulations for   promotion of  communal  harmony

By  our  Special  Correspondent

Kochi, July  31 (IVC)   Imams of  the  Central Juma  Masjid , Muvattupuzha  and  Petta  Muhayudeen and   Mahalla  Committee presidents had  called   on the  Principal, Fr  Dr. Francis  kannadan  of the Nirmala   College, Muvattupuzha  near  here , Manager  Dr   Fr  Pius Malekandathil and Kothamangalam   Diocese’s Vicar  General, Fr  Vincent Nedungadi and expressed their regret on  July 29 over  the  untoward incident  occurred at  the  college.

                It  was an ideal  act  and  worthy  of emulation  for  others  of  the  country to  avoid  communal  disharmony.

                The  problem arose in the Nirmala  College at  Muvattupuzha when  a section  of  girl-students  demanded  that  they  wanted  a  room  of  the  college  for  offering  religious  prayers.  They  held a  sit-in  before the  Principal’s  Office  to  press  their demand   on July 26 and created tension and confusion.   Taking  into  consideration  that  the  demand was  for  making  space for  the anti-social elements to  play  communal card  in this regard, the  Imams  and other religious leaders acted promptly  in the  right  direction  and avoided tense  situation in the  college.

                The  Imams and the Mahalla OOffice-bearers  said  that the  incident  took  place  in thhe  college was  most  unfortunate and  they  expressed  their regret.

                There is  a  mosque,  which is only  five minutes’ walk  from the college and it is equipped  with facilities for  offering prayers  for  girl-students  and women  .They said, if there  were  no sufficient facilities for offering prayers by girl-students , the  Mahallas  would  create comfortable  facilities and solve the problem amicably.

                They  said  that  the college  was  functioning smooth. Te recent  happeningsy for  over  70  years and with the cordial  relations  with the college and it  could not   be allowed to impair under any circumstances. They said no one  would be  allowed to break  communal  harmony by  giving  publicity  out  of  the  way. 

                The  Public  Affairs Committee (PAC) of  the Syro-Malabar  Church described the demand of girl-students  as  a   ill-advised  move   against the  Nirmala  College by  a  section students as a“serious  issue”.

                Bishop  Thomas  Tharayil, Convener of the PAC  said  in a statement  here  on Jyly  28, there  has  been a  concerted  and  planned  move  in recent times against the  Christian minority  institutions.

                The  recent  happenings at the Nirmala  college were  a  part  of the  religious communal “invasion” on  the Christian institutions, thee statement  added.  Any  efforts to destabilize Christian minority institutions would be  dealt  with  strongly, the  bishop  said.

                BJP  state  president K Surendran  alleged in Thrissur  on July  29 that  some  people with  vested  interest were  trying  to  create  issues in Hindu  and Christian institutions.          “The  principal of a college was  threatened  for  not  allowing  Namaz in the  college.  Religious  fundamentalists are  behind  this  issue.  The LDF  and the Congress are  supporting  them.  Their  students  organizations  are  encouraging  these fundamentalists”, he  told  newsmen. 

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