Vantara, a wildlife rescue center in Jamnagar, Gujarat, is set to become a sanctuary for 20 elephants rescued from the exploitative logging industry in Arunachal Pradesh. The rescued group includes 10 males, 8 females, a sub-adult, and a calf, all of whom will now live in a chain-free, natural habitat free from labor.
The relocation sparked political controversy after Assam Congress chief Bhupen Borah accused Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma of transferring elephants from Assam to industrialist Mukesh Ambani’s Vantara rescue center. The Assam Chief Minister’s Office firmly denied these allegations, clarifying that no elephants had been transported from Assam and labeling the claims as “unwarranted and false.”
Contrary to the claims, reports confirm that the elephants being relocated to Vantara are from private owners in Arunachal Pradesh. The transfer received legal clearance from a High-Powered Committee established by the Tripura High Court and supervised by the Supreme Court of India, ensuring full compliance with regulations.
At Vantara, the elephants will enjoy a significant upgrade in living conditions. The sanctuary provides a natural, chain-free environment and ensures they are not subjected to any labor. Additionally, former mahouts and elephant owners are being offered employment opportunities at the center, promoting ethical care practices and supporting local livelihoods.
This initiative reflects Vantara’s dedication to ethical conservation, serving as a model for the humane rehabilitation of animals rescued from exploitative industries. The sanctuary aims to balance animal welfare with community benefits, setting a benchmark for responsible wildlife care.