India kerala

Union Government tightens its hold over Co-operatives service banks.  

By Our Financial  Correspondent

New  Delhi, July  25 (IVC)   The  Union Government is contemplating of   tightening  its   hold over the co-operative sector as a whole  especially  co-operative  service banks  with a view to  protecting its depositors and customers as well as its shareholders.

                It  is proposed to merge   the week and mismanaged and financially unstable  ones  with the strong and efficient  and financially stable  banks  with a view to protecting the depositors.  The  proposed  efforts of the Union Government would be  for the safety and security of the depositors money and their pledged  property.

                It  is  also under  the  contemplation of the  Union Government  to liberate the co-operative sector from the clutches of the politicians. Strict restrictions   in the  appointment of staff  and certain qualifications   for the election  to the Board of  Directors  of the sector would be made.

                Now  the  co-operative  sector  are  being  managed  by the rank-and-file  of the  political parties and no  fixed qualification for being elected  to the Board of Directors  of the Co-operative service banks  and hence no accountability  for  them.

                Several  co-operative  service banks  in the  State   are  not  financially stable  and financially  in a stringent condition and no specific qualification for the shareholders to be elected  to the Board of Directors. The mismanagement  due to  lack of efficiency  was shown as the facet of the failed co-operative service bank .

                Now  there  is no control  by the Union Government  over  the Co-operative service sector   in  the country. The proposed stipulations over the Co-operative  sector  by the Union Government  was to protect   the depositors’ hard  earned money.  The co-operative sector dealt with  trillions of rupees in the  country.

                The failure  of the Karuvannoor Sevice Co-operative bank  was brought out  to light that  directors  have  made  their ill-gotten wealth  was converted into white money. An order  in this  regard  would be  brought out  and would be enforced  shortly.      

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