Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala’s much-awaited Thiruvonam Bumper Lottery has created a new millionaire in Wayanad. The grand prize of ₹25 crore was won by a ticket sold in the district. The winning ticket number is TG 434222. The Kerala Lotteries Department recorded a phenomenal sale this year, with over 71.43 lakh tickets sold. The Thiruvonam Bumper Lottery Read More…
Tag: thiruvonam bumper lottery
Kerala Lottery Result To Be Announced Today: Grand Prize of ₹ 25 Crore at Stake
Thiruvananthapuram: The much-anticipated Kerala Lottery result will be announced today, with a whopping grand prize of ₹ 25 crore awaiting the lucky winner. Thousands of hopeful participants are eagerly waiting for the results, as this massive jackpot could change the life of one fortunate individual. The Kerala Lottery is known for its transparency and popularity, Read More…
Kerala Thiruvonam Bumper Lottery Sales Soar Past Rs 274 Crore; Mega Draw on Oct 9
Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Thiruvonam Bumper Lottery has achieved record-breaking sales, crossing Rs 274 crore ahead of its highly anticipated draw on October 9. Known as one of the largest lottery events in the state, the Thiruvonam Bumper has garnered immense attention due to its festive appeal and massive prize offerings. With a jaw-dropping first prize Read More…