International News

Sexual abuse crisis  reduces  attendance in mass and donation : Survey

By  our  foreign correspondent

New York: The child sexual abuse crisis  in the Catholic Church reduced attendance  in mass  and  donation to the Church, according  to a latest survey  report.

One  in three Catholics  who  previously  went to  Mass have reduced     their  attendance or  stopped going altogether  as  a  result  of  the  child  sexual abuse  in the Catholic  Church, according  to  a new  report  by  Durham University  here recently.

The YouGov survey was commissioned by the  Centre  for Catholic Studies at Durham University  as part of a wider research project.

There  has also been  a corresponding fall in the  number financial donations, with  a  third of  Catholics who  previously donated  no  longer  giving money to the  Church.

The  project titled “ Boundary Breaking” where researchers  are  looking at  the  implications of the abuse  crisis for  the  Catholic community, the  survey  report  revealed.

More 3,000 adults who identified as  Catholics responded  to questionnaire, with 79 per cent  said  that the  Church needed to change “a great deal” to prevent further cases  of child sexual abuse, the report  said.

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