In a bizarre incident, a 25-year-old skater, Subrata Mondal, originally from West Bengal and living in Mumbai, was arrested by Thrissur East Police for performing risky roller-skating stunts in busy traffic in Thrissur, Kerala.
Mondal undertook an extraordinary 1,300-kilometer journey from Mumbai to Thrissur on skates, completing it in just six days. He boosted his speed dangerously by hitching rides on moving vehicles along highways. Upon arriving in Thrissur, he executed perilous stunts in the congested Swaraj Round, hanging onto auto-rickshaws and dodging fast-moving buses, often narrowly avoiding collisions.
Alerted by viral videos of his antics, police struggled to track Mondal initially. He was finally apprehended when he returned to the same location to continue his stunts. Charged under the Kerala Police Act for endangering public safety, he was fined and released on bail.
The incident has sparked serious concerns about the risks of such stunts on public roads, with authorities urging the public to refrain from such life-threatening activities.