India kerala Law

Government   admits  its  inability  to enforce court  orders

By  our Legal  Correspondent

Koci, June  28  (IVC)  The  State  government  informed  of  the  High Court  of  Kerala on June 27,  that  the  court  orders to hand  over  a few  churches  to the Orthodox faction  of  the   Malankara Church  could not  be implemented   following the  objection from members of  the  Jacobite  faction.

                The  government submitted  that  police officers had o retreat without physically handing  over the  churches in view  of  serious  law  and order  issues.  The  Jacobite  faction  members  including women, children  and elderly  camped  inside the  churches, agitating against the  police  action.  Some  protestors  had  even threatened to  commit  suicide if  the court  order  was enforced.  The children  and women   had  prevented  the  officers from  proceeding forward  It  was  inappropriate to  use  excessive  force to  implement the  court’s  directives .dispersing  the  agitators  without  using  force  was  not  feasible.  The  district  administration  and police  had  failed  to  implement  the  court  order  due  to the  strong protests  by the Jacobite  faction.

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