India International

EAM Jaishankar Paints Optimistic Future for India, Urges Youth to Take Charge.

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar unveiled a bright vision for India’s future under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, addressing an event titled “Future of the Bharat” in Delhi on Wednesday. He emphasized the power of the youth in shaping the nation’s destiny and urged them to actively participate in the “Amrit Kaal” (25-year period of progress).

Confidence in Young India:

Jaishankar expressed his faith in the young generation, stating, “When I look at you, I feel very confident about where we would be in the years and decades to come.” This message of empowerment resonated with the audience, particularly young women attending the event on National Girl Child Day.

Promising Economic Growth:

Citing projections from Goldman Sachs, the minister presented a compelling picture of India’s economic trajectory. He predicted a tenfold increase in per capita income by 2075, catapulting India to a $52.5 trillion economy. This economic prosperity, he said, would directly impact the lives of young people in the future.

Collective Effort for “Amrit Kaal”:

While painting a hopeful picture, Jaishankar stressed the importance of collective effort in realizing the vision for “Amrit Kaal.” He acknowledged that “futures are not predestined,” and urged individuals to actively contribute to building a better future. This responsibility, he said, was bestowed upon them by Prime Minister Modi himself.

Strong Democratic Foundation:

Jaishankar identified robust democracy as a key pillar of India’s future success. He highlighted the country’s commitment to democratic principles despite past challenges, such as the Emergency period. He reminded the audience that “many other societies have not been able to build up democratic traditions, practices, and ethos that we have,” emphasizing the value of cherishing and nurturing democratic values.

Challenges and Opportunities:

Recognizing the complexities of the future, Jaishankar urged young people to embrace both challenges and opportunities. He concluded by saying, “The future is very bright. The future is you. So when I look at you, I feel very confident about where we would be in the years and decades to come.”

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