Mumbai: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was hospitalized following a stabbing incident, has been discharged from Lilavati Hospital after five days of treatment. The incident occurred on January 16 at his residence in Bandra West, Mumbai, where Saif was attacked by an intruder, identified as Bangladeshi national Shariful Islam Shehzad Rohilla Amin Fakir.
The attacker reportedly entered the house illegally and stabbed Saif multiple times, causing serious injuries to his spine and neck. A part of the knife, which was lodged in his spine, was successfully removed through surgery. Saif was moved out of the ICU to a regular ward on January 17 and has now been declared stable.
The assailant, who illegally entered India under the alias Bijoy Das and worked with a housekeeping agency, was found to possess fake identification documents. Police investigations are ongoing to determine the motive behind the attack.